Security Policy

Last Updated: December 30, 2013 utilizes some of the most advanced technology for Internet security available today. When you access our site using industry standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, your information is protected using both server authentication and data encryption, ensuring that your data is safe, secure, and available only to registered Users in your organization. Your data will be completely inaccessible to your competitors.

Data Collection Security :

§ software platform utilizes industry standard 128 bit & higher data-encryption Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, the information is protected using both server authentication and data encryption, ensuring data security and availability only to registered Users in the organization

§ Users are provided with a unique user-name and password that is encrypted on the server side and must be entered each time a User logs on.

§ CloudFactoryWorx does not require session cookie and utilizes advanced security measures like dynamic data and encoded session IDs.

Data Storage Security:

§ CloudFactoryWorx is hosted in secure servers that are 24/7 physically Secure & 24/7 Email, Telephone & Web-Supported.

§ In addition to utilizing firewall technologies that are 24/7 monitored, servers utilize advanced TippingPoint® Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS).
An in-line device that scans traffic and, based on rules, determines whether data packets are legitimate or malicious. TippingPoint's Digital Vaccine® service updates filters regularly to maintain defense against the latest vulnerabilities, viruses and rogue applications.